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“In weekly EMDR therapy, the realization has come that I have been living my life as if I were a child in an adult world. I am now making positive decisions in a calm manner.”  BN, San Diego, CA


“I started seeing Dana as an individual EMDR iBE clients during a period of severe stress related to a toxic work environment. My work environment was giving me extreme anxiety and triggering PTSD. It was negatively affecting every aspect of my health. Using her combined EMDR and iBE therapy approach, Dana helped me to become aware of long buried subconscious beliefs and thoughts that were driving my current thoughts and behaviors in ways that had caused me difficulties all my life.


“The awareness Dana helped me gain has allowed me to make changes in my conscious thoughts, which has greatly lessened my stress and anxiety, and has helped me make positive conscious decisions I my life. After getting the anxiety under control, I was able to think through my employment situation in a more rational and calm frame of mind, and ended up leaving my job. Despite having been there many years, that was the best decision for me and I have yet to regret it.


“I spent several years in and out of cognitive talk therapy without getting these types of results. Dana is great at what she does and I am so grateful to her!”


LR, 61 year old female


“Thank you so much for the session today! It helped me so much. I am feeling so much better, uplifted, and very light. What a great service you are offering during these trying times!”



Group Therapy

Dana Terrell’s group therapy has been a catalyst for my personal growth and development efforts to continue amidst the hectic nature of our world at present. I never thought of myself a someone who needed therapy to address traumatic memories because I loved my job and felt happy. Dana’s powerful way of delivering EMDR therapy through her iBE workshop allowed me to recognize limiting beliefs that were holding me back from my highest potential. I felt safe and secure in the online group space with several other women who were also undergoing transformative change. I highly recommend these workshops for anyone wanting o achieve their highest goals and aspirations.   

Cassandra Wolf, Professional Caregiver, Holistic Health Coach


“The processing of the conflict EMDR group protocol seemed to be gradual and gentle. There were times when I was wondering if it was working, since results are both subtle and dramatic at the same time. I really enjoyed the sharing and reflections about what others learned. This reflection reinforced that there were improvements and changes in my coping skills.”

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