Finding strength through
comprehensive relationship therapy
Sometimes relationships are turbulent, like a force of nature.
That's why I've created, researched and enhanced Comprehensive Relationship Therapy. This enhanced therapy* is the result of over twenty years of passionate development, fine tuning and research. It offers you the opportunity to heal from the most common types of relationship stress or trauma (for added info, click on the other items on the RELATIONSHIPS tab, which show infographics about each topic). For now, please see the brief descriptions below:
Types of turbulence
From little nit-picky comments to verbal or physical aggression. It’s the opposite of relationships that are primarily calmly understanding and caring.
Any form of avoidance or ignoring in relationship. It’s the opposite of relationships that are emotionally well-connected.
Someone brings a third person into a two-person difficulty, such as affair, bullying, gossip, or something called “child focus. It’s the opposite of relationships that are direct, close, and personal.
Overfunctioning/Underfunctioning Reciprocity
Similar to Codependency, but more relevant to more people. It’s the opposite of relationships that are equal and balanced .
Awkward Boundary Setting
Since we aren’t trained in this essential skill, it doesn’t always go well. You will clear times in the past that this has gone poorly, and learn higher level skills to gain confidence and efficacy for the future.
Because relationships of all kinds can be challenging throughout life, we have each generally had at least 6 bad experiences in each category. The experiences may be with parents, siblings, friends or neighbors, teachers or classmates, strangers or competition opponents, bosses or coworkers, spouses, children or in-laws. That’s a lot of possible difficulty!
So, each two-day intensive workshop gives the opportunity to clear 6 occasions of past stress or trauma. Participants are often surprised to find that some things in the past affected them more than they had realized, and that clearing those memories made a major difference!
And the skill components are so important to workshop participants, that they advise me to never offer the workshop without the skills. They give strength: confidence and hope for the future!